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The following guards are designed to mount to the single or double plunger push button switches. They are die cast from a high strength zinc alloy (Zamac #3).
The usage chart below shows the minimum recommended guard to use to provide protection against inadvertent actuation caused by accidental contact of the switch plunger. Use of a taller guard is an acceptable alternate method.
These products should only be used where point-of-operation guarding devices have been properly installed & maintained so that appropriate OSHA and ANSI B11.1 regulations & standards are met. Misapplication of the products on machinery lacking effective point-of operation safeguards can cause serious injury to the operator of that machinery.
Ces produit doivent seulement être utilisés sur des postes à risque correctement sécurisés et entretenus afin d’être conforme aux standards et régulations en vigueur (CSA, CLC). Un mauvais usage de ces produits sur des machines et des postes de travail non sécurisés de manière efficace peut causer des blessures graves au technicien maniant ces machines.